All scientists are welcome to submit an abstract online via the form on the website. Please note that only abstracts submitted via the website are accepted and that an abstract submission does not substitute registration for the conference. A scientific committee will select abstracts for oral or poster presentations (see below).
Please submit an abstract with no more than 300 words. Headings of the abstract should be: Title; Authors with affiliation; Introduction; Materials and methods; Results; Conclusions. Please indicate whether you are applying to present a poster or apply for a talk during the main session. You will be notified about the presentation mode in due time.
We advise to adhere to the following instructions.
- The title should clearly indicate the nature of the investigation (maximum 20 words). Commercial names must not be used in the abstract title
- List all authors with affiliation
- Abstract language is English
- Please use the following format for the abstract file name: “Last Name-First Name-Abstract PDAC Meeting” and upload the file as a text document (e.g. word file, not pdf).
The submitting author will receive a confirmation by e-mail from the Organization Team. This confirmation of abstract receipt is NOT a notice of acceptance.
With the submission of an abstract to the 5th German Pancreatic Cancer Research Meeting, the first author (presenting author):
- Accepts responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract.
- Confirms that all authors are aware of and agree to the content of the abstract, and support the data presented.
- Identifies any financial interest in products or processes described in the abstract. This information is to be forwarded to the Scientific Committee together with the abstract.
- States that, for studies involving human or animal subjects, permission has been obtained from the relevant regulatory authority and properly informed consent given where appropriate.
- Identifies, obtains and discloses any financial interest in products or processes described in the abstract for all abstract authors.
- Releases the copyright on behalf of all authors and gives permission for the abstract, if selected for presentation, to be published in the conference booklet. The copyright of the abstract remains with the author(s).
The scientific committee will make the selection of abstracts for oral or poster presentations. The first author (presenter) will receive an e-mail with the scientific committee’s decision on the submitted abstract.
If an author of a selected presentation cannot attend, the presenting author should assign a replacement and send an email to the organizing team as soon as possible.
Abstracts can be selected for the following categories:
- Oral Presentation: abstracts will be selected for short talks (12min + 3min discussion).
- Poster: The presenting author is requested to be present at his/her poster during the poster session. Information on which date posters will be presented will be send to the submitting author.
Every poster selected for the poster session will be displayed in the dedicated poster area for the entire duration of the conference.
Poster presenters must mount their poster on November 17th, 2025 between 11:30 am and 12 pm. The poster must be placed on the board with the respective poster number. The poster numbers will be sent to the presenting author before the conference.
The poster should be removed on November 19th by 11 am. Please note that all remaining posters will be removed by the organizers and cannot be reclaimed.
The dimensions of the poster: DIN-format A0 size: 841 x 1189 mm - please use corresponding poster templates from your institution. Materials to fix the poster to the poster boards will be available onsite.
Posters should be designed in line with recommendations of your institution.