The organizational structure of the RTG ensures that decision-making processes are carried out efficiently with the involvement of all members. It is made up of the following bodies: General Assembly, Doctoral Researcher Assembly and Principal Investigator Assembly, Steering Committee, Administrative Coordinator (Sina Krehahn), Scientific Coordinator (Nico Hesselbarth), Thesis Advisory Committees and Scientific Advisory Board.
The General Assembly unites all members of the RTG and convenes at least once a year. In addition, the doctoral researchers (Doctoral Researcher Assembly) and the principal investigators (Principal Investigator Assembly) have their own committee, each of which appoints two representatives. The Steering Committee is composed of the spokesperson, the co-spokesperson as well as the four elected representatives and, in an advisory capacity, the two coordinators. The Steering Committee meets once a month. The Thesis Advisory Committees, composed of the project leader, the deputy project leader and the Scientific Coordinator, oversee the individual doctoral projects; they convene twice a year.
The Scientific Advisory Board is composed of five internationally renowned scientists in the field of pancreatic cancer research who are not members of the RTG. The members of the Scientific Advisory Board are:
Prof. Magdalena Huber
University of Marburg
Marburg, Germany
Prof. Dieter Saur
Technical University Munich
Munich, Germany
Prof. Anirban Maitra
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas, USA
Prof. Elisabeth Hessmann
University of Goettingen
Goettingen, Germany
Prof. Francisco Real
CNIO Madrid
Madrid, Spain