EVASelektiv - Evaluation des Selektivvertrages zur Integrierten Versorgung von Patienten mit chronischer Niereninsuffizienz
Contact: Prof. Dr. Rafael Mikolajczyk, Susan Langer
Duration: 01.03.2020 – 30.04.2022
Funding: Innovationsausschuss beim
Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss
In the year 2009, the health insurance company AOK Saxony-Anhalt started a selective care program in cooperation with the Association of ambulatory nephrologists in Saxony-Anhalt. The selective care program contains a structured treatment program for insured persons with chronic kidney disease and is based on the concept of disease management programs. The aim of the project EVASelektiv is to evaluate the effects of this selective care program. We are investigating the following questions: Was chronic kidney disease detected earlier because of the selective care program? Was progression of chronic kidney disease delayed because of an early and specialized treatment? Did the overall treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease improve and was it cost-effective? To answer these questions, we analyze claims data of AOK.