Contact:  Dr. Eva Kantelhardt

Duration: until December 2023

Funding: DAAD


In 2009 the university contract between the University of Addis Ababa and the University of Halle was signed.

Since then, a lively exchange between the medical faculties in the field of oncology and chronic diseases has developed.

In September 2019, the fourth Chronic Disease Summer School of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD PAGEL) took place with 91 participants from science, government organizations and non-governmental organizations. A 10-person delegation from the Institute for Clinical Epidemiology, Biometry and Computer Science was also on site. The main topics discussed were the care of patients with cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and chronic lung diseases.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the initiative Clinic Partnerships - Partners Strengthen Health and the Else Kröner-Fresenius-Foundation have funded the projects in SSA with a total of around one million euros in recent years.

As a result, over 3000 women in rural regions were able to take part in cancer screening, 140 women with breast cancer received therapy and local colleagues received further training. To date, 25 medical doctoral students from Germany, eight Ethiopian doctoral students and more than 15 master’s students have evaluated and published data that was collected within all projects.