Contact: Dr. Eva Kantelhardt


Funding: VW Stiftung


The AFCRN is an association of currently 31 population-based cancer registries from 24 countries in sub-Saharan Africa (as of December 9, 2019).

Dr. Eva J. Kantelhardt acts as scientific coordinator of the network and is involved in the following scientific projects of the network as principal investigator and through collaboration:

  • The Cancer Atlas
  • The Treatment & Follow-Up study on access to cancer care is a multilateral research collaboration between the African Cancer Registry Network (AFCRN), eleven cancer registries in ten countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Global Health working group at MLU Halle-Wittenberg. Between 2016 and 2018, retrospective data on diagnosis, treatment and survival on a population-based cohort of roughly 3500 patients was collected by cancer registry staff in respective countries, based on medical reports and follow-up calls. Research papers will be written on these data to report on cancer care of patients diagnosed with five of the six most frequent cancer types in the region, namingly breast cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Subsequently, further collaboration projects are intended to intensify research on factors fostering and impeding access to cancer care in the Sub-Saharan Africa.