
current projects

A Social area analysis on childrens dental and oral health in Saxony-Anhalt

This project investigates the extent to which socioeconomic disadvantage influences children's dental health. Data from the screening examinations of the child and adolescent dental service are used to investigate the following questions:

Who are at-risk children from a dental perspective? Where do they live? How do they live? Why are they particularly susceptible to caries and other tooth-related diseases?

On one hand, these questions are of academic interest to better understand the mechanisms of health inequalities in relation to dental health. On the other hand, they are also of practical interest to identify children at increased risk for dental prevention, care gaps and to develop targeted interventions to better reach them.

The narrative construction of patients with a migration background – a mixed-methods study among medical students

This study applies a mixed-methods approach to analyse narrative strategies used by medical students in the discourse surrounding refugee patients. We explore how this marginalized patient population is perceived, the students’ attitudes towards it and how individual characteristics (e.g., empathy) influence the choice of narrative strategies.

Social area analysis of the physical development and its risk factors of children in Halle (Saale) based on data collected in school series examinations.

In this secondary data analysis, the distribution of obesity and other health risk factors of schoolchildren is examined based on data from the school entry examination and the school series examinations of the third and sixth grade. The spatial distribution across the district as well as the students' physical development during the period from the school entry examination to the school series examination of the sixth grade will be investigated.

Thus, the goal of this project is to better understand the relationships between different socio-spatial conditions and the health development of students between the ages of five and thirteen, therefore laying the foundation for problem-oriented solutions for health-related equality.

completed projects

This project analyses the measures taken in shelters for asylum seekers to prevent, contain and manage outbreaks of COVID-19. It aims at developing best-practice recommendations based on a mixed methods study design.

This project is funded by Volkswagen Foundation and conducted in cooperation with the Health Services Research Unit at Witten/Herdecke University (head of department: Prof. Patrick Brzoska).


1. Führer, Amand; Özer Erdogdu, Ilknur; Kompa, Paula; Yilmaz-Aslan, Yüce; Brzoska, Patrick (2022): COVID-19 pandemic in shelters for asylum seekers: a scoping review of preventive measures. BMJ Open. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-0580762.

2. Führer, Amand; Pacolli, Latife; Yilmaz-Aslan, Yüce; Brzoska, Patrick (2022): COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Its Determinants among Migrants in Germany—Results of a Cross-Sectional Study. Vaccines 10(8):1250


Führer, Amand; Tiller, Daniel; Brzoska, Patrick; Korn, Marie; Gröger, Christine; Wienke, Andreas (2020): Health-Related Disparities among Migrant Children at School Entry in Germany. How does the Definition of Migration Status Matter? IJERPH 17(1): 212. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17010212

Führer, A., Wienke, A., Wiermann, S., Gröger, C., & Tiller, D. (2019). Risk-based approach to school entry examinations in Germany – a validation study. BMC Pediatrics, 19(1), 358.

Führer, Amand; Wienke, Andreas & Tiller, Daniel (2018) Die Schuleingangsuntersuchung als subsidiäre Vorsorgeuntersuchung. Eine risikobasierte Herangehensweise. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung.


Trohl, Ulrich; Wagner, Karoline; Kalfa, Vivian; Negash, Sarah; Wienke, Andreas, Führer, Amand (2021): Sick and Tired—Sociodemographic and Psychosocial Characteristics of Asylum Seekers Awaiting an Appointment for Psychotherapy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(22):11850