Antje Güttler, Elisa Darnstedt, Danny Knobloch-Sperlich, Marina Petrenko, Jacqueline Kessler, Ivo Grosse, Dirk Vordermark, Matthias Bache
Zinc Influences the Efficacy of Betulinic Acid Treatment and Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer Cells
Katrin Kalies, Kai Knöpp, Leonie Wurmbrand, Laura Korte, Jochen Dutzmann, Claudia Pilowski, Susanne Koch & Daniel Sedding
Isolation of circulating endothelial cells provides tool to determine endothelial cell senescence in blood samples
Christoph Schultheiß, Edith Willscher, Lisa Paschold, Cornelia Gottschick, Bianca Klee, Lidia Bosurgi, Jochen Dutzmann, Daniel Sedding, Thomas Frese, Matthias Girndt, Jessica I. Höll, Michael Gekle, Rafael Mikolajczyk, Mascha Binder
Liquid biomarkers of macrophage dysregulation and circulating spike protein illustrate the biological heterogeneity in patients with post-acute sequelae of COVID-19
Hasan Issa, Raj Bhayadia, Robert Winkler, Laura Elise Swart, Dirk Heckl, Jan-Henning Klusmann
Preclinical testing of miRNA-193b-3p mimic in acute myeloid leukemias
Michelle Ng, Lonneke Verboon, Hasan Issa, Raj Bhayadia, Marit Willemijn Vermunt, Robert Winkler, Leah Schüler, Oriol Alejo,
Konstantin Schuschel, Eniko Regenyi, Dorit Borchert, Michael Heuser, Dirk Reinhardt, Marie-Laure Yaspo, Dirk Heckl, Jan-Henning Klusmann
Myeloid leukemia vulnerabilities embedded in long noncoding RNA locus MYNRL15
S Gialesaki , D Bräuer-Hartmann , H Issa , R Bhayadia , O Alejo-Valle , L Verboon , AL Schmell , S Laszig , E Regényi , K Schuschel , M Labuhn , M Ng , R Winkler , C Ihling , A Sinz , M Glaß , S Hüttelmaier , S Matzk , L Schmid , FJ Strüwe , SK Kadel , D Reinhardt , ML Yaspo , D Heckl , JH Klusmann
RUNX1 isoform disequilibrium promotes the development of trisomy 21-associated myeloid leukemia
Niels Heise, Selina Becker, Thomas Mueller, Matthias Bache, René Csuk, Antje Güttler
Mitochondria-Targeting 1,5-Diazacyclooctane-Spacered Triterpene Rhodamine Conjugates Exhibit Cytotoxicity at Sub-Nanomolar Concentration against Breast Cancer Cells
Luise Victoria Claaß, Christoph Schultheiß, Rebekka Scholz, Lisa Paschold, Donjete Simnica, Volker Heinemann, Sebastian Stintzing, Mascha Binder
PD-L1 Amino Acid Position 88 Represents a Hotspot for PD-L1 Stability With Relevance for PD-L1 Inhibition
Christoph Schultheiß, Edith Willscher, Lisa Paschold, Cornelia Gottschick, Bianca Klee, Svenja-Sibylla Henkes, Lidia Bosurgi,
Jochen Dutzmann, Daniel Sedding, Thomas Frese, Matthias Girndt, Jessica I Höll, Michael Gekle, Rafael Mikolajczyk, Mascha Binder
The IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF cytokine triad is associated with post-acute sequelae of COVID-19
Lisa Paschold, Donjete Simnica, Ramon Benitez Brito, Tianjiao Zhang, Christoph Schultheiß, Christine Dierks, Mascha Binder Subclonal heterogeneity sheds light on the transformation trajectory in IGLV3-21R110 chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Oriol Alejo-Valle, Karoline Weigert, Raj Bhayadia, Michelle Ng, Hasan Issa, Christoph Beyer, Stephan Emmrich, Konstantin Schuschel, Christian Ihling, Andrea Sinz, Martin Zimmermann, Claudia Wickenhauser, Marius Flasinski, Eniko Regenyi, Maurice Labuhn, Dirk Reinhardt, Marie-Laure Yaspo, Dirk Heckl, Jan-Henning Klusmann
The megakaryocytic transcription factor ARID3A suppresses leukemia pathogenesis
Antje Güttler, Claus Weinholdt, Elisabeth Ruff, Judith Reidt, Elisa Darnstaedt, Alicia Wildemann, Marina Petrenko, Jacqueline Keßler, Matthias Kappler, Ivo Grosse, Dirk Vordermark, Matthias Bache
SESN2 Knockdown Increases Betulinic Acid-Induced Radiosensitivity of Hypoxic Breast Cancer Cells
Donjete Simnica, Christoph Schultheiß, Malte Mohme, Lisa Paschold, Edith Willscher, Antonia Fitzek, Klaus Püschel, Jakob Matschke, Sandra Ciesek, Daniel G Sedding, Yu Zhao, Nicola Gagliani, Yacine Maringer, Juliane S Walz, Janna Heide, Julian Schulze-zur-Wiesch, Mascha Binder
Landscape of T‐cell repertoires with public COVID‐19‐associated T‐cell receptors in pre‐pandemic risk cohorts
Alexander Stein,Donjete Simnica, Christoph Schultheiß, Rebekka Scholz, Joseph Tintelnot, Eray Gökkurt, Lisa von Wenserski, Edith Willscher, Lisa Paschold, Markus Sauer, Sylvie Lorenzen, Jorge Riera-Knorrenschild, Reinhard Depenbusch, Thomas J Ettrich, Steffen Dörfel, Salah-Eddin Al-Batran, Meinolf Karthaus, Uwe Pelzer, Lisa Waberer, Axel Hinke, Marcus Bauer, Chiara Massa,Barbara Seliger, Claudia Wickenhauser, Carsten Bokemeyer, Susanna Hegewisch-Becker, and Mascha Binder
PD-L1 targeting and subclonal immune escape mediated by PD-L1 mutations in metastatic colorectal cancer
Lisa von Wenserski, Christoph Schultheiß, Sarah Bolz, Simon Schliffke, Donjete Simnica, Edith Willscher, Helwe Gerull, Gerrit Wolters-Eisfeld, Kristoffer Riecken, Boris Fehse, Marcus Altfeld, Peter Nollau, and Mascha Binder
SLAMF receptors negatively regulate B cell receptor signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia via recruitment of prohibitin-2
Marina Petrenko, Antje Güttler, Anne Funtan, Jacqueline Keßler, Daniel Emmerich, Reinhard Paschke, Dirk Vordermark, Matthias Bache
Combined 3-O-acetylbetulin treatment and carbonic anhydrase IX inhibition results in additive effects on human breast cancer cells
Marina Petrenko, Antje Güttler, Elena Pflüger, Immo Serbian, Michael Kahnt, Yvonne Eiselt, Jacqueline Keßler, Anne Funtan,Reinhard Paschke, René Csuk, Dirk Vordermark, Matthias Bache
MSBA-S - A pentacyclic sulfamate as a new option for radiotherapy of human breast cancer cells
Antje Güttler, Yvonne Eiselt, Anne Funtan, Andreas Thiel, Marina Petrenko, Jacqueline Keßler, Iris Thondorf, Reinhard Paschke, Dirk Vordermark, Matthias Bache
Betulin Sulfonamides as Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors and Anticancer Agents in Breast Cancer Cells
Hala AlKhoury, Adrian Hautmann, Frank Erdmann, Guoying Zhou, Sanja Stojanović, Stevo Najman, Thomas Groth
Study on the potential mechanism of anti-inflammatory activity of covalently immobilized hyaluronan and heparin
Y A Brito Barrera, G Hause, M Menzel, C E H Schmelzer, E Lehner, K Mäder, C Wölk, T Groth
Engineering osteogenic microenvironments by combination of multilayers from collagen type I and chondroitin sulfate with novel cationic liposomes
Christoph Schultheiß, Lisa Paschold, Donjete Simnica, Malte Mohme, Edith Willscher, Lisa von Wenserski, Rebekka Scholz, Imke Wieters, Christine Dahlke, Eva Tolosa, Daniel G Sedding, Sandra Ciesek, Marylyn Addo, Mascha Binde
Next-Generation Sequencing of T and B Cell Receptor Repertoires from COVID-19 Patients Showed Signatures Associated with Severity of Disease
Christoph Schultheiß, Donjete Simnica, Edith Willscher, Anna Oberle, Lorenzo Fanchi, Nicola Bonzanni, Nils H. Wildner, Julian Schulze Zur Wiesch, Christina Weiler-Normann, Ansgar W. Lohse, Mascha Binder
Next-generation immunosequencing reveals pathological T cell architecture in autoimmune hepatitis Hepatology
Lisa von Wenserski, Christoph Schultheiß, Sarah Bolz, Simon Schliffke, Donjete Simnica, Edith Willscher, Helwe GerullGerrit Wolters-Eisfeld, Kristoffer Riecken, Boris Fehse, Marcus Altfeld, Peter Nollau & Mascha Binder
SLAMF receptors negatively regulate B cell receptor signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia via recruitment of prohibitin-2