BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250309T144422Z UID:event2205202567cda946934f69.45767254 DTSTART:20250521T220000Z DTEND:20250524T215959Z LOCATION:City Hall Brandenburg an der Havel\, Germany\, Altstädtischer Markt 10\, 14770 Brandenburg an der Havel\, Airport or main train station transportation: Take the train (RE22) from the airport BER\, change in Potsdam “Park Sanssouci” to RE1 or go from BER to Berlin main station and take the RE1. From Brandenburg main station (Hauptbahnhof) you can take the tram 6 (direction city centre) and alight at “Ritterstraße/Museum”. SUMMARY:Tumor Immunology meets Oncology XIX 2025 DESCRIPTION:The meeting „Tumor Immunology meets Oncology (TIMO)“ has established itself as an outstanding platform for exchange between scientists\, clinicians and junior staff and as one of the leading European conferences in the field of tumor immunology. From 22-24 May 2025\, the meeting will happen for the 19th time at the City Hall in Brandenburg an der Havel.\nThe symposium takes place over three days and begins with a workshop that enables young scientists to present their own data in a short lecture. The latest methods and techniques in the field of tumor treatment will also be presented. The accompanying poster exhibition facilitates discussion of further projects and the establishment of new cooperations. Following the workshop\, we will award prizes for the three best lectures and posters. The scientific program will be rounded off with a networking evening on Friday allowing the discussion of projects and experiments in a relaxed atmosphere.\nOn the following two days\, the established and renowned scientists will have their say. An overview will follow soon.\nThe meeting is made possible by the great commitment of the members of the Institute of Medical Immunology of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg\, the Institute for Translational Immunology of the Medical School "\;Theodor Fontane"\; in Brandenburg an der Havel and\, as always\, by the support of the Society of Immunotherapy in Cancer (SITC) as well as the commitment of numerous sponsors. We are looking forward to another exciting event in 2025!\nSchedule of the meeting 2025\nThursday\, 22nd of May 2025:\nMHB Workshop “Cancer and Inflammation”\nStart: 09.00 a.m.\nEnd: 11.15 a.m.\nTIMO WORKSHOP\nStart: 12.00 a.m.\nEnd: 06.00 p.m.\nPoster Session: 06.00-07.30 p.m.\nSpeakers: PhD/MD students\, postdocs\, young professionals\, spin offs\nSpeakers’ dinner\nIt is still possible to apply for a talk or the presentation of a poster during the workshop on Thursday until the 14th of March at the latest.\nPlease submit your abstracts to us (max. 1 page\, 12 ppt\, Arial). We will choose who will give a short talk within the workshop on Thursday. We will provide in sum 18 possibilities for a short talk (15 minutes talk\, 5 minutes discussion). Furthermore\, you have the possibility to present a poster within the poster session (max. 20) on Thursday evening. \nIn addition\, we have to give the advice that reimbursing costs for the meeting are only reserved for the speakers of the main symposium – not for the speakers/presenters within the workshop. We will help you to find an accommodation if it is necessary. \nFriday\, 23rd of May 2025:\nMAIN SYMPOSIUM\nStart: 08.30 a.m.\nEnd: 06.00 p.m.\nSpeakers: professionals\, clinicians\, researchers\nNetworking event for ALL: 08.00 p.m.\nSaturday\, 24th of May 2025:\nMAIN SYMPOSIUM\nStart: 08.30 a.m.\nEnd: 01.00 p.m.\nSpeakers: professionals\, clinicians\, researchers\nThe following speakers have already confirmed their participation:\nStina Wickström\, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Solna\, SwedenKristoffer Haurum Johansen\, Technical University of DenmarkMarion Subklewe\, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München\, GermanyAdelheid Cerwenka\, Universitätsklinikum Mannheim\, GermanyChristine Dierks\, Universitätsklinikum Halle\, GermanyBarbara Seliger\, Medical School Brandenburg\, GermanySergio Quezada\, University College London\, Great BritainMichael Lotze\, University of Pittsburgh\, USASumit Subudhi\, MD Anderson Cancer Center Texas\, USAShuji Ogino\, Harvard Medical School\, Boston\, USABernard A. Fox\, Providence Portland Medical Center\, USASimon Knott\, CEDARS-SINAI\, Los Angeles\, USADouglas McNeel\, The University of Wisconsin\, Department of Medicine\, Madison\, USALorenzo Galluzzi\, Weill Cornell Medical Center New York\, USALorenzo Moretta\, Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù\, Rome\, ItalyRavid Straussman\, Weizmann Institute of Science\, Rehovot\, IsraelMarkus Maeurer\, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown Lisbon\, PortugalOfer Mandelboim\, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem\, IsraelPer Thor Straten\, University Hospital Herlev\, DenmarkLuis Zapata-Ortiz\, The Institute of Cancer Research London\, Great BritainMichele Maio\, University Hospital of Siena\, SpainHubert Hackl\, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck\, AustriaRobert Zeiser\, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg\, GermanyMichael Bachmann\, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf\, Germany\nYou can register via email to: .\nWe are looking forward to hearing from you soon! News will follow!\nKind regards\,\nSandra Wolf\nSecretary Institute of Translational Immunology\n==========================================\nInstitut für Translationale Immunologie\nMedizinische Hochschule Brandenburg Theodor Fontane (MHB)\nCampus Brandenburg an der Havel\nGertrud-Piter-Platz 7\n14770 Brandenburg an der Havel\nE-Mail:\nTel. +49 3381-21822-16 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR